All SOCCERENA courts are supplied as a complete set of connector stands, panel kickboards, integrated access door, upper netting (inc poles) and freestanding UPVC goal nets. The AstroTile multi-sports surface is an optional, but recommended extra.
The system comprises lightweight parts and a modular design, meaning it can be built quickly and stored easily by a small team of 2/3 people. The system is unique because it can be either fixed in position or used as a portable outreach tool for special events, community programmes and tournaments.

Connector Stands
Made from specially drawn aluminium profiles with an integrated sleeve for optional net post inserts. Legs incorporate a combination plastic end cap and floor pad and patented pin connecting technology.

Panel Kickboards
Made of micro profiled 30mm thick steel/PVD hard foam-sandwich type panel. Edges are reinforced and protected with a specially designed ABS material.

Upper Netting
Aluminium net posts fit into connector stands and provide support for 2m high all-round netting, including ISILINK cord.

Access Door
Built into an integrated panel, the access door is a useful feature for quick entry/exit from the arena. It also features a handy height threshold to sop the ball escaping!

Freestanding Goal (UPVC)
The most common goal net used in Soccerena is the standard UPVC samba/forza goal, available from most online sports equipment outlets.